[Android] AudioBrowser: fix track sort by date display

Duncan McNamara git at videolan.org
Wed May 10 12:41:25 UTC 2023

vlc-android | branch: master | Duncan McNamara <dcn.mcnamara at gmail.com> | Thu May  4 15:08:13 2023 +0200| [f3732b3ed24a2093e4a5b9d739c13c56c005762f] | committer: Nicolas Pomepuy

AudioBrowser: fix track sort by date display

Albums and MediaWrappers use MedialibraryItem's releaseDate as releaseYear
Though when indexed an album's releaseDate saves only the year,
whereas MediaWrappers' releaseDate save the whole date
This adds conversion from date to year for mediawrappers in the helper

Fixes #2829

> https://code.videolan.org/videolan/vlc-android/commit/f3732b3ed24a2093e4a5b9d739c13c56c005762f

 .../main/java/org/videolan/resources/util/Helpers.kt  | 19 ++++++++++++++++---
 1 file changed, 16 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/application/resources/src/main/java/org/videolan/resources/util/Helpers.kt b/application/resources/src/main/java/org/videolan/resources/util/Helpers.kt
index a7cc24c72f..edd73024ae 100644
--- a/application/resources/src/main/java/org/videolan/resources/util/Helpers.kt
+++ b/application/resources/src/main/java/org/videolan/resources/util/Helpers.kt
@@ -11,11 +11,11 @@ import androidx.core.content.ContextCompat
 import org.videolan.libvlc.util.AndroidUtil
 import org.videolan.medialibrary.interfaces.media.Album
 import org.videolan.medialibrary.interfaces.media.MediaWrapper
-import org.videolan.medialibrary.interfaces.media.Playlist
 import org.videolan.medialibrary.interfaces.media.VideoGroup
 import org.videolan.medialibrary.media.MediaLibraryItem
 import org.videolan.resources.AppContextProvider
 import org.videolan.resources.R
+import java.util.*
 const val LENGTH_WEEK = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60
 const val LENGTH_MONTH = 30 * LENGTH_WEEK
@@ -52,9 +52,22 @@ fun MediaLibraryItem.getLength() = when {
     else -> 0L
+// Albums and MediaWrappers use MedialibraryItem's releaseDate as releaseYear
+// Though when indexed an album's releaseDate saves only the year,
+// whereas MediaWrappers' releaseDate save the whole date
 fun MediaLibraryItem.getYear() = when (itemType) {
-    MediaLibraryItem.TYPE_ALBUM -> if ((this as Album).releaseYear <= 0) "-" else releaseYear.toString()
-    MediaLibraryItem.TYPE_MEDIA -> if ((this as MediaWrapper).releaseYear <= 0) "-" else releaseYear.toString()
+    MediaLibraryItem.TYPE_ALBUM -> {
+        if ((this as Album).releaseYear <= 0) "-" else releaseYear.toString()
+    }
+    MediaLibraryItem.TYPE_MEDIA ->{
+        if ((this as MediaWrapper).releaseYear <= 0)
+            "-"
+        else {
+            val calendar = Calendar.getInstance()
+            calendar.time = Date(releaseYear.toLong() * 1000)
+            calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR).toString()
+        }
+    }
     else -> "-"

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