<div dir="ltr"><div><div>hello,I encounter the problem of taking <span><span>snap shot ; I have heard that the version of ios has the function to take snap shot, like :<br><br>VLCMediaThumbnailer * thum = [VLCMediaThumbnailer thumbnailerWithMedia:_media andDelegate:self];<br>
[thum fetchThumbnail];<br>[11:53:19] leo li: - (void)mediaThumbnailer:(VLCMediaThumbnailer *)mediaThumbnailer didFinishThumbnail:(CGImageRef)thumbnail<br><br></span></span></div><span><span>I wonder whether the version of android has similar functions to take snap shot; <br>
Does the function "LibVLC.getThumbnail()" work? I used this function to take snap shot,but it does not work, the result byte is null;<br>can you give me some solutions to take snap shot? Thank you very much.<br>
<br>best regards, Apple</span></span><span><span></span></span></div></div>