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<p>----- Original message -----
<br>> Hi folks,
<br>> Way back Alex proposed an extension to the spec to handle Playlists.
<br>> There didn't seem like there was too much interest at the time,
<br>> apologies for my silence I had a Maverick release to attend to.
<br>> So how about now, I think there are some clients which are interested.
<br>> The extension can be found here.
<br>> <a href="http://www.randomguy3.me.uk/mpris/Playlists.html">http://www.randomguy3.me.uk/mpris/Playlists.html</a>
<br>> Conor
<br>> --
<br>> Sound Architect
<br>> Desktop Experience Team
<br>> Product Strategy
<br>> Canonical
<br>The Url type is defined and not used (I think).
<br>Which is fine with me. It appears the API does not assume a playlist is a static list of songs to play, but could potentially be a dynamic playlist or an online service?
<br>Perhaps the type of the playlist should be revealed? I could imagine a applet using an icon to indicate it.
<br>I do see some assumption of static-ness in the ordering enum. Last modified wouldn't mean the same thing or even typically be recorded for a dynamic playlist.
<br>Regardless the spec needs some more "conceptual" defintion of what sort of playlist should be returned and the intended use-case to ensure some uniformity between players. The reason this api wasn't included with the rest is that its use-case and concepts aren't as self-evident as the other MPRIS apis.