[streaming] multi-path streaming using vlc

yuexin zhen achillles49 at hotmail.com
Wed Oct 22 10:16:16 CEST 2003


   i'm doing a project on multi-path streaming.  basically i need to stream 
a mpeg4 file from several paths to one client. to achieve this i plan to 
stream the video to several relay servers first, then relay the packets to 
destination. i might need to send different frames in the video on different 

   i'm thinking about modifying vlc, to be the sending server and relay 
server, however there r several megas of code and i don't know where to 
start.  i would appreciate a lot if anyone can give suggestions on the 
feasibility and where to modify. (in particular how to parse out the frames 
in mp4 file and how to control the data to send in a rtp session). Thanks!


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