[streaming] Re: prob : .trp files

Alexis de Lattre alexis at via.ecp.fr
Wed Sep 24 11:22:06 CEST 2003

On Wed, Sep 24, 2003, shingnja at ensieta.fr wrote :
> Am trying to use .trp (MPEG TS) files on VLC(windows
> platform) but they don't seem to work well. 
> For some files, audio works well but no video is obtained. 
> Someone seems to have used .trp files on the archives so i
> hope to get some help as to what the prob could be.

What is the video and audio format inside your MPEG TS file ?

Note : MPEG-2 4:2:2 is not supported any more since VLC 0.6.0. You have
to use VLC 0.5.3 for those files, or wait for the support of 4:2:2 in
libmpeg2 (the project on sourceforge).


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