[streaming] Simple Problems

quantass at canada.com quantass at canada.com
Sat Nov 6 04:44:09 CET 2004

Hi there,

Long time user of the great VLC but wanted to mention
the following bugs:

1. When in "Always on Top" mode when you now dblclick
the window (to go fullscreen) the normal window remains
on screen (because it is always on top) while the movie
plays in full screen ... i have to turn off Alawys on
top before this full screen mode can work

2. When i click the seek slider (at the bottom of the
window) why does it not move the seeker to my exact
position where i clicked (like other players such as
Windows Media Player).  It's freaky that it just jumps
where it wants to jump to.

3. When dragging the seek slider why doesn't the time
(located at the bottom-left) adjust while i am sliding.
 I know it changes when i release my mouse button but
it is kinda tedious having to relase my mouse button
then click and drag again to get to where i want it to
be positioned -- cool if it can keep updating the time
as i am sliding.


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