[streaming] Re: VLS stops streaming

Pavel Dusanek dush at nofuture.cz
Thu Nov 18 15:37:09 CET 2004

Christophe Massiot wrote:

>On Thu, Nov 18, 2004, Pavel Dusanek wrote:
>>I have made a streaming server at the University of Economics Prague. I 
>>use VLS to stream mpeg-2 directly from DVB-S card via multicast to the 
>>network. It works well, but it always stops streaming after day or two 
>>with vls process still runnning so I can strace it:
>>---strace -p pidofvls---
>>select(1, [], [], [], {1, 0})           = 0 (Timeout)
>>select(1, [], [], [], {1, 0})           = 0 (Timeout)
>>---end of strace---
>>It seems to me that vls process is stuck in some endless loop.
>It seems to me like your dvb driver is stuck. Which version are you
>using ?
I'm using driver (budeget-ci) from original Fedora Core 2 kernel 
2.6.5-1.358 (card is Hauppauge Nova-S). But the driver isn't totaly 
stuck, while it's sufficient to kill vls wait till kernel process 
[kdvb-fe-0:0] ends (takes about 2 seconds) and start it  immediately 
again, then it works another hours or days.
I could mak some script to periodicaly check if vls is streaming out and 
in case it's not to kill and start it again. But this is not very clean 

    Pavel Dusanek

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