[streaming] VLC not happening across diffierent VLAN's

S.Anand anand.s at etv.co.in
Sat Apr 23 16:37:47 CEST 2005

 My name is anand. working as a network administration. we have
implemented VLAN(Virtual LAN) in our network, now the problem is if i open
& play VLCplayer, i am able to view on the same VLAn, but if i play the
VLC in oneVLAN & try to receive the streaming in a different VLAN it is
not happening, all the multicasting commands i have configured in the
Cisco Switch/Router, where as i could able to use a different Multicast
Software, so that ensures that multicasting commands are all working
fine. i had gone through document of VLC player, where it has told use the
multicast IP as, but still i couldn't able to view the video
stream on a different VLAN. the PC which had tested is between windows
2000 professional & the VLC player version is vlc-0.8.1-win32.exe.
thanks in advance.


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