[streaming] Re: [streaming]

Benjamin PRACHT bigben+spam at videolan.org
Fri Feb 11 00:05:20 CET 2005

On Sun, Feb 06, 2005, navnits at citytv.com wrote :
> Hello there,
>  My name is Nav from Toronto Canada.  I work in a news station here in
> Toronto .  What I want to be able to do is to record our newscast at home on
> my pc through a pvr card.  I then want to be able to give access to that or
> several of these archived shows through the internet.  I want reporters and
> editors to be able to see these archived shows through the internet /http.
> This way a reporter can go to any computer with internet explorer and watch
> a stream of the show in low res. I dont think more than  2-4 people will
> watch these streams in a day.   So far i have figured out that  I will get a
> pvr card  like pvr-150 or 250 and record the show onto the pc.  I can also
> use snapstream software to autmatically encode the files to divx.   Now what
> i dont know is how to stream the archived show on demand to people over the
> internet.  I have a domain name i can use and plan to use my pc as the
> server......but what next.  How do i use videolan to do this.   I have just
> started to read the docs from videolan but it is a but confusing.  My
> strength is more video editing and now i am just getting into this so i may
> be able to aquire the position of Digital asset manager at the station.
> any help is appreciated .  

Well, considering your requirements here (not more than 3-4 users at
the same time), setting up a http server (such as apache) and making
your stream available that way should be the easiest and maybe the most
efficent solution. Users can then either download the video, or watch
it directly using VLC or any other video player capable of reading http


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