[streaming] Re: FM Streaming from PVR 150

Christophe Massiot massiot at via.ecp.fr
Thu Sep 8 12:22:53 CEST 2005

At 11:53 +0200 8/09/05, Gregor Fuis wrote:
>Is there a chance that i can stream a radio channel with vlc just 
>like i can stream tv channel from pvr 150 card.
>I tried to change frequency in my command line from tv to radio 
>frequency but it streams nothing. Do i have to select
>something different than on tv channel streaming?
>My command line for radio is
>./vlc -vvv pvr:// --pvr-device=/dev/video0 --pvr-caching=300 
>--pvr-frequency=98900 --pvr-channel=6 --sout 

This is not currently implemented, but you can work around it by 
running two commands :
ivtv-radio -f 98.9 -j
and in another terminal :
vlc -vvv stream:/dev/video0 --file-caching=300 --sout etc.

Christophe Massiot.

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