[streaming] Re: x264 encoding question

Guillaume POIRIER poirierg at gmail.com
Thu Sep 29 08:56:58 CEST 2005


On 9/28/05, Shaka Dow <sdow at telsnetgy.net> wrote:
> I am using a Pentium4 3.0GHz system with 1G low-latency ram and a Radeon
> x800 XT video card. I am running Windows XP Professional as my Operating
> System.
> Whenever I attempt to transcode any DVD to H.264, the resulting video
> does not play smoothly (it is "sticky"). My CPU utilization is only
> around 50%. Is there an issue with the decoder when decoding a live
> stream? Or, is there an problem with the x264 encoder? Or is my CPU
> inadequate (although utilization is oddly around 50%).
> Is there anyone who can shed some light on my situation? Since my CPU
> utilization is only at 50%, I can't say if the CPU is inadequate for the
> real-time encoding of x264.

I doubt that this can be a problem that is due to x264. It's most
likely, IMHO, a problem of inadequate output framerate.
In order to narrow down the problem, you may want to try to encode
with another codec, like xvid or libavcodec (through ffdshow). Those
are well tested, and require less CPU power to encode as well decode;
so if you experience the same problem with them, the problem is

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