[streaming] FLAC streaming

Ian Rice ianrice12 at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Nov 21 18:46:38 CET 2006

I've been trying to stream a flac file with rtp using:

vlc -vvv --ttl 12 ~/test.flac --sout 

but it fails due to "unsupported codec:s16l"
On line 1018 of rtp.c there is a switch case that allows VLC_FOURCC( 
's', '1', '6', 'b' )
Is there a reason why s16l is not allowed ?
Which module actually sets this ?
Actually my server is little endian but my client is big endian.
Any quick hack for this would be appreciated before I go butchering the 
code myself.

The relevant log is below.

[00000300] main private debug: pre-buffering...
[00000300] main private debug: received first data for our buffer
[00000300] main private debug: pre-buffering done 1408981 bytes in 0s - 
560928 kbytes/s
[00000285] main input debug: creating demux: access='' demux='' 
[00000301] main demuxer debug: looking for demux2 module: 42 candidates
[00000303] main decoder debug: looking for packetizer module: 16 candidates
[00000303] main decoder debug: using packetizer module "flacdec"
[00000285] main input debug: selecting program id=0
[00000301] main demuxer debug: looking for id3 module: 1 candidate
[00000301] id3tag demuxer debug: checking for ID3 tag
[00000301] main demuxer debug: using id3 module "id3tag"
[00000301] main demuxer debug: removing module "id3tag"
[00000301] main demuxer debug: using demux2 module "flac"
[00000285] main input debug: looking for a subtitle file in /home/ricei/
[00000310] main packetizer debug: looking for packetizer module: 16 
[00000310] main packetizer debug: using packetizer module "flacdec"
[00000285] main input debug: stream out mode -> no decoder thread
[00000285] main input debug: starting in synch mode
[00000285] main input debug: `/home/ricei/Radiohead.flac' successfully 
[00000303] flacdec decoder debug: decode STREAMINFO
[00000303] flacdec decoder debug: channels:2 samplerate:44100 
[00000303] flacdec decoder debug: STREAMINFO decoded
[00000310] flacdec packetizer debug: decode STREAMINFO
[00000310] flacdec packetizer debug: channels:2 samplerate:44100 
[00000310] flacdec packetizer debug: STREAMINFO decoded
[00000287] main stream output debug: adding a new input
[00000311] main private debug: looking for sout access module: 1 candidate
[00000311] main private debug: set sout option: sout-udp-raw to (null)
[00000311] main private debug: set sout option: sout-udp-ttl to 12
[00000311] main private debug: net: connecting to port 1230
[00000313] main private debug: thread 2982976416 (sout write thread) 
created at priority 0 (udp.c:268)
[00000311] access_output_udp private debug: udp access output 
[00000311] main private debug: using sout access module "access_output_udp"
[00000288] stream_out_rtp private debug: access out 
[00000288] stream_out_rtp private error: cannot add this stream 
(unsupported codec:s16l)
[00000313] main private debug: thread 2982976416 joined (udp.c:316)
[00000311] access_output_udp private debug: udp access output closed
[00000311] main private debug: removing module "access_output_udp"
[00000310] main packetizer error: cannot create packetizer output (s16l)

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