Help, I'm stumped.<br><br>I'm trying to use the http interface for VLC as described. It seems to be<br>doing something, but I can't see the index from the remote computer.<br><br>I've scoured the available help files and searched discussions on this<br>
topic, but I can't seem to get it to work. I would like to use the http<br>interface to get VOD from a server containing .avi files.<br><br>server is on os x<br><br>latest version of VLC: (08.6d)<br><br>I have used this server successfully as a streaming audio server using the<br>
yodj php application (<a href=""></a>), and would like to try<br>something similar with video and VLC. From what I've gleaned this should<br>be possible, but I can't seem to get it to work.<br>
<br>I have tried mapping ports, and making sure there is no conflict with<br>apache, but still the same results.<br><br>Here's what I've got:<br><br>Start VLC on server, select add interface, http interface. Message window<br>
is below:<br><br>main debug: CPU has capabilities AltiVec FPU<br>main debug: looking for memcpy module: 2 candidates<br>main debug: using memcpy module "memcpyaltivec"<br>main debug: waiting for thread completion<br>
main debug: thread 41964032 (playlist) created at priority -47<br>(playlist/playlist.c:184)<br>main debug: waiting for thread completion<br>main debug: thread 42917376 (preparser) created at priority -47<br>(playlist/playlist.c:210)<br>
main debug: looking for interface module: 1 candidate<br>main debug: using interface module "hotkeys"<br>main debug: thread 42929152 (interface) created at priority -47<br>(interface/interface.c:198)<br>main debug: looking for interface module: 3 candidates<br>
main debug: using interface module "macosx"<br>main debug: thread 42065408 (manage) created at priority -47<br>(interface/interface.c:164)<br>main debug: looking for interface module: 1 candidate<br>http debug: using charset=UTF-8<br>
http debug: base :8080<br>main: creating httpd<br>main debug: net: listening to port 8080<br>main debug: thread 43556352 (httpd host thread) created at priority -47<br>(network/httpd.c:1078)<br>main debug: creating statistics handler<br>
http debug: dir=/volumes/miniStack/TV_MOVIES<br>http debug: file=/volumes/miniStack/TV_MOVIES/1200-run.avi<br>(url=/1200-run.avi)<br>http debug: file=/volumes/miniStack/TV_MOVIES/AD-AE-ABOVE.avi<br>(url=/AD-AE-ABOVE.avi)<br>
http debug: file=/volumes/miniStack/TV_MOVIES/AD-AE-VERTMULL.avi<br>(url=/AD-AE-VERTMULL.avi)<br>http debug: file=/volumes/miniStack/TV_MOVIES/AD-AE.avi (url=/AD-AE.avi)<br>http debug: file=/volumes/miniStack/TV_MOVIES/big-prez-01.avi<br>
(url=/big-prez-01.avi)<br>main debug: using interface module "http"<br>main debug: thread 43488256 (interface) created at priority -47<br>(interface/interface.c:198)<br>main debug: Connection from <a href=""></a><br>
main debug: Connection from <a href=""></a><br><br>This shows that VLC sees the correct directory and starts the http<br>interface. It even registers the connection from the remote computer. But<br>
on the remote computer (<a href=""></a> in this case) the browser registers a<br>404 error as follows:<br><br><?xml version="1.0" encoding="us-ascii" ?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC<br>
"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"<br>"<a href=""></a>"><br><html><br><head><br><title>Error 404</title><br>
</head><br><body><br><h1>404 Resource not found(/)</h1><br><hr /><br><p><a href="<a href=""></a>"> VideoLAN</a></p><br>
</body><br></html><br><br>What am I missing?<br><br><br>Note that attempts to use the command-line to use the http interface per<br>the VLC online manual:<br><br>open /applications/ -I http (--http-src<br>
/volumes/miniStack/TV_MOVIES/ --http-host <a href=""></a>)<br><br>results in the following error in terminal:<br><br>Last login: Tue Feb 5 06:51:31 on ttyp1<br>Welcome to Darwin!<br>
none-of-your-business-Computer:~ noneofyourbusiness$ open<br>/applications/ -I http (--http-src /volumes/miniStack/TV_MOVIES/<br>--http-host <a href=""></a>)<br>-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('<br>
none-of-your-business-Computer:~ noneofyourbusiness$<br><br>What am I missing here?<br><br><br>Any help would be appreciated.<br><br>Thank you,<br><br>-Mark Brinkman<br><br><br>