[vlc-commits] test: player: test outputs

Thomas Guillem git at videolan.org
Fri May 10 09:51:39 CEST 2019

vlc | branch: master | Thomas Guillem <thomas at gllm.fr> | Mon Apr 15 14:06:18 2019 +0200| [2fed2a28d83180053783b5ed5756dc4eb5ee4bad] | committer: Thomas Guillem

test: player: test outputs

> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/vlc.git/?a=commit;h=2fed2a28d83180053783b5ed5756dc4eb5ee4bad

 test/src/input/player.c | 48 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 48 insertions(+)

diff --git a/test/src/input/player.c b/test/src/input/player.c
index 16264eb96e..71e35036b8 100644
--- a/test/src/input/player.c
+++ b/test/src/input/player.c
@@ -1696,6 +1696,52 @@ test_delete_while_playback(vlc_object_t *obj, bool start)
+static void
+test_outputs(struct ctx *ctx)
+    vlc_player_t *player = ctx->player;
+    /* Test that the player has a valid aout and vout, even before first
+     * playback */
+    audio_output_t *aout = vlc_player_aout_Hold(player);
+    assert(aout);
+    vout_thread_t *vout = vlc_player_vout_Hold(player);
+    assert(vout);
+    size_t vout_count;
+    vout_thread_t **vout_list = vlc_player_vout_HoldAll(player, &vout_count);
+    assert(vout_count == 1 && vout_list[0] == vout);
+    vout_Release(vout_list[0]);
+    free(vout_list);
+    vout_Release(vout);
+    /* Test that the player keep the same aout and vout during playback */
+    struct media_params params = DEFAULT_MEDIA_PARAMS(VLC_TICK_FROM_MS(10));
+    player_set_current_mock_media(ctx, "media1", &params, false);
+    player_start(ctx);
+    wait_state(ctx, VLC_PLAYER_STATE_STOPPING);
+    {
+        vec_on_vout_changed *vec = &ctx->report.on_vout_changed;
+        assert(vec->size >= 1);
+        assert(vec->data[0].action == VLC_PLAYER_VOUT_STARTED);
+        vout_thread_t *same_vout = vlc_player_vout_Hold(player);
+        assert(vec->data[0].vout == same_vout);
+        vout_Release(same_vout);
+    }
+    audio_output_t *same_aout = vlc_player_aout_Hold(player);
+    assert(same_aout == aout);
+    aout_Release(same_aout);
+    aout_Release(aout);
+    test_end(ctx);
@@ -1750,6 +1796,8 @@ REPORT_LIST
         vlc_player_AddListener(player, &cbs, &ctx);
+    test_outputs(&ctx); /* Must be the first test */

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