[vlc-commits] [Git][videolan/vlc][master] 9 commits: access: Makefile: remove harmful DEPENDENCIES

Jean-Baptiste Kempf (@jbk) gitlab at videolan.org
Sun Aug 13 18:27:30 UTC 2023

Jean-Baptiste Kempf pushed to branch master at VideoLAN / VLC

66187b95 by Alexandre Janniaux at 2023-08-13T18:13:46+00:00
access: Makefile: remove harmful DEPENDENCIES

Defining libdtv_plugin_la_DEPENDENCIES means that the dependencies that
might be added to libdtv_plugin_la_LIBADD will not be accounted
correctly, whereas libbda.la is already in LIBADD and will automatically
be accounted into the DEPENDENCIES if left unspecified.

- - - - -
5548ad24 by Alexandre Janniaux at 2023-08-13T18:13:46+00:00
src: Makefile: remove harmful DEPENDENCIES

Defining test_block_DEPENDENCIES means that the dependencies that
might be added to test_block_LDADD will not be accounted correctly.

It was added in ec7e1f822910742d3fd221e6b4d26b3d394c0a25 but should not
be needed.

- - - - -
8882c621 by Alexandre Janniaux at 2023-08-13T18:13:46+00:00
src: Makefile.am: remove -no-install

Programs assigned to check_PROGRAMS are alrady not installed.

- - - - -
1bef7923 by Alexandre Janniaux at 2023-08-13T18:13:46+00:00
src: Makefile.am: fix dependency to libvlccore.sym

Automake will correctly ignore any file included into a target source
when there is no suffix rule existing for turning those files into a
.$(OBJEXT) file.

Setting the target DEPENDENCIES might lead to confusing behaviour where
dependencies added to LIBADD are not propagated correctly. The automake
manual suggest using `EXTRA_%_DEPENDENCIES` when the goal is to augment
the automake-generated `%_DEPENDENCIES` instead.

Also, setting libvlccore.sym into a target _SOURCES automatically
configure it for distribution.

- - - - -
fb781101 by Alexandre Janniaux at 2023-08-13T18:13:46+00:00
src: Makefile.am: use EXTRA_*_DEPENDENCIES for rc file

- - - - -
8ed824e4 by Alexandre Janniaux at 2023-08-13T18:13:46+00:00
src: Makefile.am: remove superfluous DEPENDENCIES

Now that DEPENDENCIES is not set by anyone else, we can just remove
those forced dependencies and rely on the automake-generated ones from
the LIBADD member.

- - - - -
6c21c608 by Alexandre Janniaux at 2023-08-13T18:13:46+00:00
lib: Makefile.am: move some EXTRA_DIST to sources

Automake will correctly ignore any file included into a target source
when there is no suffix rule existing for turning those files into a
.$(OBJEXT) file.

Also, setting libvlccore.sym into a target _SOURCES automatically
configure it for distribution.

- - - - -
88f343b4 by Alexandre Janniaux at 2023-08-13T18:13:46+00:00
lib: Makefile.am: use EXTRA_%_DEPENDENCIES

Setting the target DEPENDENCIES might lead to confusing behaviour where
dependencies added to LIBADD are not propagated correctly. The automake
manual suggest using `EXTRA_%_DEPENDENCIES` when the goal is to augment
the automake-generated `%_DEPENDENCIES` instead.

- - - - -
84dab2a4 by Alexandre Janniaux at 2023-08-13T18:13:46+00:00
bin: Makefile.am: use EXTRA_%_DEPENDENCIES

Setting the target DEPENDENCIES might lead to confusing behaviour where
dependencies added to LDADD are not propagated correctly. The automake
manual suggest using `EXTRA_%_DEPENDENCIES` when the goal is to augment
the automake-generated `%_DEPENDENCIES` instead.

- - - - -

4 changed files:

- bin/Makefile.am
- lib/Makefile.am
- modules/access/Makefile.am
- src/Makefile.am


@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ vlc_SOURCES = vlc.c override.c
 vlc_LDADD += $(LIBDL)
 vlc_SOURCES = winvlc.c
-vlc_DEPENDENCIES = vlc_win32_rc.$(OBJEXT)
+EXTRA_vlc_DEPENDENCIES = vlc_win32_rc.$(OBJEXT)
 vlc_LDFLAGS = -mwindows -Wc,-static
 vlc_LDADD += vlc_win32_rc.$(OBJEXT)
 libbreakpad_wrapper_la_SOURCES = breakpad.cpp
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ libbreakpad_wrapper_la_CXXFLAGS = $(AM_CXXFLAGS) $(BREAKPAD_CFLAGS) -DBREAKPAD_U
 noinst_LTLIBRARIES = libbreakpad_wrapper.la
 vlc_LDADD += libbreakpad_wrapper.la -lstdc++ -lwininet
-vlc_DEPENDENCIES += libbreakpad_wrapper.la
+EXTRA_vlc_DEPENDENCIES += libbreakpad_wrapper.la
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ vlc_static_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS) \
 	-DTOP_SRCDIR=\"$(abs_top_srcdir)\" \
 vlc_static_CPPFLAGS = $(vlc_CPPFLAGS)
 vlc_static_LDADD = $(vlc_LDADD)
 vlc_static_LDFLAGS = $(vlc_LDFLAGS) -no-install -static
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ vlc_cache_gen_LDADD = \
 if HAVE_WIN32
 vlc_cache_gen_LDADD += vlc_win32_rc.$(OBJEXT)
 vlc_cache_gen_LDFLAGS = -Wc,-static
-vlc_cache_gen_DEPENDENCIES = vlc_win32_rc.$(OBJEXT)
+EXTRA_vlc_cache_gen_DEPENDENCIES = vlc_win32_rc.$(OBJEXT)

@@ -49,8 +49,10 @@ libvlc_la_SOURCES = \
 	media_list_player.c \
 	media_discoverer.c \
 	picture.c \
+	libvlc.pc.in \
+	libvlc.sym \
-EXTRA_DIST = libvlc.pc.in libvlc.sym
 if HAVE_WIN32
 noinst_DATA = libvlc_win32_rc.rc
@@ -67,10 +69,10 @@ libvlc_la_LDFLAGS = \
 	-no-undefined \
 	-export-symbols $(srcdir)/libvlc.sym
-libvlc_la_DEPENDENCIES = libvlc.sym
+EXTRA_libvlc_la_DEPENDENCIES = libvlc.sym
 libvlc_la_CPPFLAGS = $(AM_CPPFLAGS)
 if HAVE_WIN32
-libvlc_la_DEPENDENCIES += libvlc_win32_rc.$(OBJEXT)
+EXTRA_libvlc_la_DEPENDENCIES += libvlc_win32_rc.$(OBJEXT)
 libvlc_la_LDFLAGS += -Wl,libvlc_win32_rc.$(OBJEXT) -avoid-version -Wc,-static

@@ -319,7 +319,6 @@ libbda_la_LDFLAGS = -static
 libbda_la_LIBADD = -lstrmiids $(LIBCOM) -luuid
 noinst_LTLIBRARIES += libbda.la
-libdtv_plugin_la_DEPENDENCIES = libbda.la
 libdtv_plugin_la_LIBADD = libbda.la -lstdc++
 access_LTLIBRARIES += libdtv_plugin.la

@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = subdir-objects
 	vlc-plugin.pc.in \
-	libvlccore.sym \
 BUILT_SOURCES = $(nodist_pluginsinclude_HEADERS)
@@ -556,9 +555,11 @@ libvlccore_la_LDFLAGS = \
 	-no-undefined \
 	-export-symbols $(srcdir)/libvlccore.sym \
 	-version-info 9:0:0
-libvlccore_la_DEPENDENCIES = libvlccore.sym
+libvlccore_la_SOURCES += libvlccore.sym
+EXTRA_libvlccore_la_DEPENDENCIES = libvlccore.sym
 if HAVE_WIN32
-libvlccore_la_DEPENDENCIES += libvlccore_win32_rc.$(OBJEXT)
+EXTRA_libvlccore_la_DEPENDENCIES += libvlccore_win32_rc.$(OBJEXT)
 libvlccore_la_LDFLAGS += -Wl,libvlccore_win32_rc.$(OBJEXT) -avoid-version -Wc,-static
 if HAVE_OS2
@@ -568,7 +569,6 @@ if HAVE_DBUS
 libvlccore_la_LIBADD += $(DBUS_LIBS)
-$(libvlccore_la_OBJECTS): libvlccore_objc.la
 libvlccore_objc_la_OBJCFLAGS = $(AM_OBJCFLAGS) -fobjc-arc
 libvlccore_objc_la_LDFLAGS = -static
 libvlccore_la_LIBADD += libvlccore_objc.la
@@ -634,8 +634,6 @@ TESTS = $(check_PROGRAMS) check_symbols
 test_block_SOURCES = test/block_test.c
 test_block_LDADD = $(LDADD) $(LIBS_libvlccore)
-test_block_DEPENDENCIES =
 test_dictionary_SOURCES = test/dictionary.c
 test_executor_SOURCES = test/executor.c
 test_i18n_atof_SOURCES = test/i18n_atof.c
@@ -679,7 +677,6 @@ test_media_source_SOURCES = media_source/test.c \
 test_thread_SOURCES = test/thread.c
-AM_LDFLAGS = -no-install
 LDADD = libvlccore.la \

View it on GitLab: https://code.videolan.org/videolan/vlc/-/compare/96426e4a6549c99262ac7f23d0d6d791e1d773b6...84dab2a431b88f863caeb6b5b72acbd6f349fbe1

View it on GitLab: https://code.videolan.org/videolan/vlc/-/compare/96426e4a6549c99262ac7f23d0d6d791e1d773b6...84dab2a431b88f863caeb6b5b72acbd6f349fbe1
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