[vlc-commits] [Git][videolan/vlc][master] 2 commits: bitmapinfoheader: use the chroma description to the number of bits per pixel

Steve Lhomme (@robUx4) gitlab at videolan.org
Thu Oct 26 09:06:33 UTC 2023

Steve Lhomme pushed to branch master at VideoLAN / VLC

87a22d1e by Steve Lhomme at 2023-10-26T08:45:49+00:00
bitmapinfoheader: use the chroma description to the number of bits per pixel

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5fed85a9 by Steve Lhomme at 2023-10-26T08:45:49+00:00
bitmapinfoheader: regroup chromas by biCompression value

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1 changed file:

- modules/demux/avi/bitmapinfoheader.h


@@ -265,43 +265,35 @@ static inline int CreateBitmapInfoHeader( const es_format_t *fmt,
                                           uint8_t **p_bih_extra,
                                           size_t *pi_total )
-    uint16_t biBitCount = 0;
-    uint32_t biCompression = BI_RGB;
+    const vlc_chroma_description_t *desc =
+        vlc_fourcc_GetChromaDescription(fmt->i_codec);
+    uint16_t biBitCount = desc != NULL ? desc->pixel_size * 8 : 0;
+    uint32_t biCompression;
     bool b_has_alpha = false;
     switch( fmt->i_codec )
         case VLC_CODEC_XRGB:
-            biBitCount = 32;
+        case VLC_CODEC_BGR24:
+        case VLC_CODEC_BGR565LE:
+        case VLC_CODEC_BGR555LE:
+        case VLC_CODEC_RGBP:
+        case VLC_CODEC_GREY:
+            biCompression = BI_RGB;
         case VLC_CODEC_BGRX:
         case VLC_CODEC_XBGR:
         case VLC_CODEC_RGBX:
-            biBitCount = 32;
             biCompression = BI_BITFIELDS;
         case VLC_CODEC_BGRA:
         case VLC_CODEC_RGBA:
         case VLC_CODEC_ARGB:
         case VLC_CODEC_ABGR:
-            biBitCount = 32;
             biCompression = BI_BITFIELDS;
             b_has_alpha = true;
-        case VLC_CODEC_BGR24:
-            biBitCount = 24;
-            break;
         case VLC_CODEC_RGB24:
             return VLC_EINVAL;
-        case VLC_CODEC_BGR565LE:
-            biBitCount = 16;
-            break;
-        case VLC_CODEC_BGR555LE:
-            biBitCount = 16;
-            break;
-        case VLC_CODEC_RGBP:
-        case VLC_CODEC_GREY:
-            biBitCount = 8;
-            break;
         case VLC_CODEC_MP4V:
             biCompression = VLC_FOURCC( 'X', 'V', 'I', 'D' );

View it on GitLab: https://code.videolan.org/videolan/vlc/-/compare/adeb34f6140dad4c92409a061196ed2a59b4e07f...5fed85a97f268116c2c8ddfdd11e34fa6c5c3d08

View it on GitLab: https://code.videolan.org/videolan/vlc/-/compare/adeb34f6140dad4c92409a061196ed2a59b4e07f...5fed85a97f268116c2c8ddfdd11e34fa6c5c3d08
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