[vlc-devel] [PATCH] screensaver

· zcot · cutmancw at hotmail.com
Fri Oct 7 07:05:27 CEST 2005

hey guys,

here's a quick implementation of an msw screensaver disabler. I should say a 
"vout screensaver preventer".

By the way, the "disable screensaver" checkbox is showing on the preferences 
panel recently and I'm guessing it's not supposed to yet on msw.

This patch is strictly simple:
-if a vout exists, the screensaver will not turn on period.
-if a vout is destroyed and you have surpassed the screensaver timeout, and 
there is still no user input activity on the system, then the screensaver 
comes on instantaneously at this time.
-there are no commandline or preference options monitored.
-in any other condition the system screensaver will operate normally.

the changes are made in `win32_specific.c'

This is not a full-fledged all-encompassing screensaver solution, but at the 
very least it's a functional scheme during video and could operate quietly 
for 0.8.4 without any user requirement or knowledge of it.


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