[vlc-devel] [PATCH] macosx: Declare MainWindow private methods in a category.

Felix Paul Kühne fkuehne.videolan at gmail.com
Thu Aug 16 11:01:22 CEST 2012


Thanks for the patch!

On 16.08.2012, at 03:34, Brendon Justin <brendonjustin at gmail.com> wrote:

> +- (IBAction)prev:(id)sender;
> +- (IBAction)backward:(id)sender;
> +- (IBAction)next:(id)sender;
> +- (IBAction)forward:(id)sender;

These don't belong here but in MainWindow.h to ensure compatibility with Xcode 3.2's interface builder. Support for IBActions in categories was added in Xcode 4.2 as far as I remember.

Btw. Which compiler is so picky about this? Obj-C tolerates private methods without previous declaration just fine, since the dynamic lookup doesn't care about declarations, but about actually implemented methods only.

Best regards,


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