[vlc-devel] [PATCH 1/3] Audioscrobbler: Update the handshake protocol to the version 2.0.

Rémi Duraffort ivoire at videolan.org
Mon Feb 27 11:20:06 CET 2012

same remark as ILEoo,

> +/*****************************************************************************
> + * BuildApiSig: generate the api signature
> + *****************************************************************************/
> +static char *BuildApiSig(vlc_array_t *p_params, const char *psz_api_secret)
> +{
> +    i_len += 32; /* md5 hash of the api secret */
> +
> +    psz_api_sig = malloc(i_len);
> +    if (!psz_api_sig)
> +        return NULL;
> +
> +    /* build the api signature */
> +    p_param = p_params->pp_elems[0];
> +    sprintf(psz_api_sig, "%s%s", p_param->key, p_param->val);
> +
> +    for (i = 1; i < p_params->i_count; i++)
> +    {
> +        p_param = p_params->pp_elems[i];
> +        strcat(psz_api_sig, p_param->key);
> +        strcat(psz_api_sig, p_param->val);
> +    }
> +
> +    /* concatenate the api secret key */
> +    strcat(psz_api_sig, psz_api_secret);
If I read it correctly, you assume that psz_api_secret is of size 32 ?
As this is controled by the user it should be checked.

> +
> +    /* generate a md5 hash of the api signature */
> +    InitMD5(&p_struct_md5);
> +    AddMD5(&p_struct_md5, (uint8_t*) psz_api_sig, strlen(psz_api_sig));
You should already know that size (no need to recompute the strlen).


Rémi Duraffort | ivoire

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