<DIV>Hi,</DIV> <DIV>Thank you for your kind help, I configured and compiled ffmpeg successfully,</DIV> <DIV>but there is a new problem now while I configure VLC with the new ffmpeg with faad support enabled, </DIV> <DIV>the configuration shows that the compiler can't find the -lfaad,</DIV> <DIV>It seems that the configuration script doesn't add the path of the FAAD path to the LDFLAGS,</DIV> <DIV>but after I added it and compiled, the program runs with error information prompted:</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>libfaad.so.0 can't load: no such file or directory.</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>why this happened? Should I compile ffmpeg with static link with faad? how can I do?</DIV> <DIV>Currently I think the faad library wasn't staticly linked to FFMPEG.</DIV> <DIV>I just add the LDFLAGS in the config.mak with the FAAD library path,</DIV> <DIV>if we should staticly link the faad, how to do? </DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>Thank you and best regards,</DIV> <DIV>Sean</DIV>
<DIV><BR><BR><B><I>Jean-Paul Saman <jean-paul.saman@planet.nl></I></B> wrote:</DIV> <BLOCKQUOTE class=replbq style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid">j y wrote:<BR>> Hi,<BR>> I met a problem while configuring VLC, I found that the program couldn't play audio with the information:<BR>> no suitable decoder module for fourcc 'mp4a'<BR>> and with this information, I heard from VLC-Devel that it indicated that the FFMPEG didn't be configured with FAAD support, so I downloaded FAAD and compiled, and then add --enable-faad option while configuring FFMPEG, but while compiling ffmpeg there are errors happened, here is the detailed error information:<BR>> <BR>> ./libavcodec/libavcodec.a(faad.o)(.text+0x1d1): In function 'faac_decode_init': /root/ffmpeg-0.4.9-pre1/libavcodec/faad.c:217: undefined reference to 'faacDecOpen'<BR>> ./libavcodec/libavcodec.a(faad.o)(.text+0x1d8):/root/ffmpeg-0.4.9-pre1/libavcodec/faad.c:218: undefined
reference to 'faacDecGetCurrentConfiguration'<BR>> <BR>> and several lines similar information about undefined reference for such asfaacDecSetConfiguration / faacDecInit / faacDecInit2 / faacDecDecode / faacDecGetErrorMessage / faacDecOpen and so on.<BR>> why this happened? how to solve this problem? thank you.<BR>> <BR>> Regards,<BR>> Sean<BR>Welcome to the ffmpeg hell ;-)<BR><BR>ffmpeg has a broken build system if there is more then one library that <BR>needs to be statically linked and those libraries are in their own <BR>compiled tree. The easiest thing todo is to create a directory under <BR>ffmpeg, eg: libs and copy all *.a or *.so to that directory.<BR><BR>Configure ffmpeg with the option to the libraries configuration and with <BR>--enable-faad.<BR><BR>Gtz,<BR>Jean-Paul Saman<BR><BR>-- <BR>This is the vlc-devel mailing-list, see http://www.videolan.org/vlc/<BR>To unsubscribe, please read http://developers.videolan.org/lists.html<BR><BR></BLOCKQUOTE>
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