<span class="gmail_quote"></span>Hi<br><br>I sent this email to the standard vlc mailing list almost 2 weeks ago but didn't get a reply so was wondering if you guys knew the answers?<br><div style="direction: ltr;"><br>I'm trying to use the VLC browser plugin to view some streaming TV
channels we have on our network. I've managed to get it working under
Mozilla Firefox but I am having trouble using it under I.E.<br><br>I have installed the vlc-0.8.5-test2-win32.exe from the <a href="http://videolan.org/" target="_blank" onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)">
videolan.org</a> website and selected firefox plugin and <span name="st">activex</span>
plugin. The page I've got (which looks like the example one in the
documentation) works fine under firefox. However in Internet Explorer the plugin just gives the red
cross icon saying it cannot load the plugin. Looking under "Managed
Add-ons" I cannot see anything VLC related.
<br><br>Is there an extra step I should be taking to get the plugin working under IE?<br><br>I also have a couple of questions regarding the mozilla control...<br><ol><li>Is there anyway of being informed of mouse movement events? I've tried
document.screen.onmousemove = mouseMoved; and mouseMoved seems to be called straight away but never again. I've also tried window.onmousemove and document.onmousemove and neither of these raise events when I'm over the VLC Control.
</li><li>Is it possible to draw on top of the video window? I've tried setting the z-index of the control and having a div layer with a higher z-index but that doesn't work.</li><li>Is there any way of enabling and disabling subtitles for the stream?
<br></li></ol>Thanks for you time and help<br><br>Mike