Hello. I have an application that records a cable signal with mencoder, with the following parameters:<br>acodec:mp3<br>vcodec: mpeg4<br>acompressor: lavc<br>vdriver:v4l2<br>vbitrate:200<br>abitrate:96<br>outputformat:mpeg
<br>vsize:medium<br>vfps:25<br>Afterwards, there are occasions where I need to play this videos not from the beginning but from a certain offset. To do this I use libavcodec library to access and seek the media file, and send the proper content via http to a vlc client. This doesn't seem to be working. vlc is getting a stream that doesn't play anything.
<br>I wonder if there is any special consideration regarding the container format and/or codec, or anything I might be missing that should be taking into account for this offset playback to work. Any thoughts on this are welcome.