Hi,<br> <br>When using VLC to transcode a FLV file to mp4. it has 'Green
Areas' for the first 7 seconds of the video , afterward it is fine.<br><br>Here is my setting:<br>* VLC 0.8.6c on Ubuntu<br>I have tried compiled my own version of VLC on ubuntu.<br><br>I see the problem if I do this use VLC to transcode the flv file and use VLC to view the transcoded mp4 file:
<br><dl class="codebox"><dd><code>
$ ./vlc -vvv -I dummy ~/Desktop/video.flv --sout
mux=mp4, dst=/home/herman/genvlc.mp4}'</code></dd></dl><br><br>However,
if I go to ffmpeg directory extra/ffmpeg (since i compile my own vlc, i
need the ffmpeg libraries to compile). And i do a transcode using
ffmpeg, i don't see the 'green areas' problem.<br><dl class="codebox"><dd><code>$ ./ffmpeg -i ~/Desktop/video.flv -s 176x144 -b 24 -r 15 -an out.3gp</code></dd></dl><br>Can you please tell me how should I proceed in trouble shooting this problem?
<br>I can easily reproduce this with the same flv file.<br><br>Thank you for any pointers.