vlc-lib-core.patch:<br><br>Adds the ability to get the number of audio tracks available.<br>Adds a new notification message type (libvlc_MediaDescriptorFreed) and is sent whenever a media descriptor is released.<br><br>vlc-framework.patch
<br><br>Adds the ability to get the number of audio tracks from within VLCMedia object<br>Cleans up some source code and removes useless references from Xcode project file.<br><br>vlc-framework-library+audio.patch:<br><br>
Moves some declarations from the VLCAudio class to VLCLibVLCBridging.h file.<br>Exposes VLCLibrary to the world is that the host application can properly shutdown and use the VLCAudio object. Previously this was hidden. Also, this file should be moved from Headers/Internal to Headers/Public.