hello,<br>Someone can help me,<br>I use VLC to streaming a H.264/AVC video in UDP/RTP mode, with variable bit rate. <br>I see that for the same video, seeing a lot of times, the frame size of the video in the same instant time is variable.<br>
<br>Could be related with the time that vlc see the image and compare with the last one? If yes, Why it occurs?<br><br>Another question is it possible for a H.264/AVC video streaming over RTP/UDP, without transcoding! Because the transcoding cuts B frames, and doesn't related with cpu performance because it never goes to the limit! The video that I use is High Profile, and VLC puts in Main Profile.<br>
<br>thanks for your help<br><br>best regards<br>-- <br>Bruno Guedes