Hello experts,<br> I would like to modify libvlc to include my own function myfunc(). I am using vlc-0.9.6. I have compiled the vlc code and installed in /usr. I copied the a code from <a href="http://wiki.videolan.org/LibVLC_Tutorial">http://wiki.videolan.org/LibVLC_Tutorial</a> to test my vlc installation (I'll call this mytestcode.c ) and it works fine. However, I want to include some code of mine written in a function myfunc() (the function name is just to describe the problem). I included my code, myfunc(), in media_player.c and added "VLC_PUBLIC_API void myfunc( libvlc_media_player_t *, libvlc_exception_t * );" in libvlc.h. I compiled the vlc code and installed it again in /usr. But when I call myfunc() from mytestcode.c, I encounter and error undefined reference to `myfunc'. I am compiling the code mytestcode .c using gcc -o mytestcode mytestcode.c `pkg-config libvlc --cflags --libs` -Wall. <br>
<br>Could someone please help here with some advice ... I have been trying to figure out my mistake but cant figure it out ...<br><br>Best Regards<br>Vinod<br><br>