<div>I've tried to enable message logger.</div>
<div>Below is the log info. (debug level)</div>
<div><br>00000076 5.06432056 [2264] (3|main)CPU has capabilities 486 586 MMX MMXEXT SSE SSE2 FPU <br>00000077 5.06754923 [2264] (3|main)looking for memcpy module: 3 candidates<br>00000078 5.06763077 [2264] (3|main)using memcpy module "memcpymmxext"<br>
00000079 5.07055807 [2264] (3|main)thread 4620 (Interaction control) created at priority 0 (interface/interaction.c:382)<br>00000080 5.07064009 [2264] (3|main)thread started<br>00000081 5.07341385 [2264] (3|main)Creating an input for 'Media Library'<br>
00000082 5.07349396 [2264] (3|main)Input is a meta file: disabling unneeded options<br>00000083 5.08319235 [2264] (3|main)`file/xspf-open://C:\Documents and Settings\tony.huang\Application Data\vlc\ml.xspf' gives access `file' demux `xspf-open' path `C:\Documents and Settings\tony.huang\Application Data\vlc\ml.xspf'<br>
00000084 5.08720875 [2264] (3|main)creating access 'file' path='C:\Documents and Settings\tony.huang\Application Data\vlc\ml.xspf'<br>00000085 5.08771801 [2264] (3|main)looking for access module: 2 candidates<br>
00000086 5.08897638 [2264] (3|access_file)opening file `C:\Documents and Settings\tony.huang\Application Data\vlc\ml.xspf'<br>00000087 5.08905554 [2264] (3|main)using access module "access_file"<br>00000088 5.12329006 [2264] (3|main)TIMER module_Need() : 0.511 ms - Total 0.511 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.511 ms)<br>
00000089 5.12338400 [2264] (3|main)Using AStream*Stream<br>00000090 5.13993502 [2264] (3|main)pre-buffering...<br>00000091 5.14495087 [2264] (3|main)received first data for our buffer<br>00000092 5.14562273 [2264] (3|main)creating demux: access='file' demux='xspf-open' path='C:\Documents and Settings\tony.huang\Application Data\vlc\ml.xspf'<br>
00000093 5.14569187 [2264] (3|main)looking for demux module: 1 candidate<br>00000094 5.14575768 [2264] (3|playlist)using XSPF playlist reader<br>00000095 5.14652348 [2264] (3|main)using demux module "playlist"<br>
00000096 5.15464401 [2264] (3|main)TIMER module_Need() : 0.168 ms - Total 0.168 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.168 ms)<br>00000097 5.15536594 [2264] (3|main)`file/xspf-open://C:\Documents and Settings\tony.huang\Application Data\vlc\ml.xspf' successfully opened<br>
00000098 5.15543604 [2264] (3|main)looking for xml module: 2 candidates<br>00000099 5.15657139 [2264] (3|main)using xml module "xml"<br>00000100 5.15664816 [2264] (3|main)TIMER module_Need() : 0.141 ms - Total 0.141 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.141 ms)<br>
00000101 5.16522408 [2264] (3|playlist)parsed 0 tracks successfully<br>00000102 5.16817284 [2264] (3|main)removing module "xml"<br>00000103 5.16925430 [2264] (3|main)EOF reached<br>00000104 5.16934729 [2264] (3|main)control type=1<br>
00000105 5.17098856 [2264] (3|main)removing module "playlist"<br>00000106 5.17106104 [2264] (3|main)removing module "access_file"<br>00000107 5.17586470 [2264] (3|main)TIMER input launching for 'Media Library' : 7.450 ms - Total 7.450 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 7.450 ms)<br>
00000108 5.17777300 [2264] (3|main)waiting for thread initialization<br>00000109 5.17898321 [2264] (3|main)thread started<br>00000110 5.18536091 [2264] (3|main)thread 4696 (preparser) created at priority 0 (playlist/thread.c:79)<br>
00000111 5.19041252 [2264] (3|main)waiting for thread initialization<br>00000112 5.19041491 [2264] (3|main)thread started<br>00000113 5.19130039 [2264] (3|main)thread 4708 (fetcher) created at priority 0 (playlist/thread.c:108)<br>
00000114 5.19253778 [2264] (3|main)waiting for thread initialization<br>00000115 5.19352150 [2264] (3|main)thread started<br>00000116 5.19359875 [2264] (3|main)rebuilding array of current - root Playlist<br>00000117 5.19468403 [2264] (3|main)rebuild done - 0 items, index -1<br>
00000118 5.19475746 [2264] (3|main)thread 4704 (playlist) created at priority 0 (playlist/thread.c:117)<br>00000119 5.19774342 [2264] (3|main)looking for interface module: 1 candidate<br>00000120 5.20026875 [2264] (3|main)using interface module "hotkeys"<br>
00000121 5.20220327 [2264] (3|main)TIMER module_Need() : 0.140 ms - Total 0.140 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.140 ms)<br>00000122 5.20231581 [2264] (3|main)thread 4728 (interface) created at priority 0 (interface/interface.c:168)<br>
00000123 5.20439672 [2264] (3|main)thread started<br>00000124 5.20511055 [2264] (3|main)Creating an input for 'youkuvideo15024248.m3u'<br>00000125 5.21229601 [2264] (3|main)thread started<br>00000126 5.21298981 [2264] (3|main)waiting for thread initialization<br>
00000127 5.21510315 [2264] (3|main)`M:\youkuvideo15024248.m3u' gives access `' demux `' path `M:\youkuvideo15024248.m3u'<br>00000128 5.21518230 [2264] (3|main)thread 4820 (input) created at priority 1 (input/input.c:370)<br>
00000129 5.23744345 [2264] (3|main)creating demux: access='' demux='' path='M:\youkuvideo15024248.m3u'<br>00000130 5.23837662 [2264] (3|main)looking for access_demux module: 1 candidate<br>00000131 5.27288008 [2264] (3|main)TIMER module_Need() : 43.179 ms - Total 43.179 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 43.179 ms)<br>
00000132 5.27351952 [2264] (3|main)creating access '' path='M:\youkuvideo15024248.m3u'<br>00000133 5.27660036 [2264] (3|main)looking for access module: 5 candidates<br>00000134 5.27669573 [2264] (3|vcd)trying .cue file: M:\youkuvideo15024248.cue<br>
00000135 5.27837515 [2264] (3|vcd)could not find .cue file<br>00000136 5.27962637 [2264] (3|access_file)opening file `M:\youkuvideo15024248.m3u'<br>00000137 5.28179264 [2264] (3|main)using access module "access_file"<br>
00000138 5.28188229 [2264] (3|main)TIMER module_Need() : 58.788 ms - Total 58.788 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 58.788 ms)<br>00000139 5.29606628 [2264] (3|main)Using AStream*Stream<br>00000140 5.29616070 [2264] (3|main)pre-buffering...<br>
00000141 5.29626179 [2264] (3|main)received first data for our buffer<br>00000142 5.29695177 [2264] (3|main)creating demux: access='' demux='' path='M:\youkuvideo15024248.m3u'<br>00000143 5.29705524 [2264] (3|main)looking for demux module: 59 candidates<br>
00000144 5.29712915 [2264] (3|playlist)found valid M3U playlist<br>00000145 5.29982328 [2264] (3|main)using demux module "playlist"<br>00000146 5.29990149 [2264] (3|main)TIMER module_Need() : 0.321 ms - Total 0.321 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.321 ms)<br>
00000147 5.30086946 [2264] (3|main)looking for a subtitle file in M:\<br>00000148 5.30109978 [2264] (3|main)`M:\youkuvideo15024248.m3u' successfully opened<br>00000149 5.30195951 [2264] (3|main)EOF reached<br>00000150 5.30203009 [2264] (3|main)control type=1<br>
00000151 5.31282854 [2264] (3|main)control type=1</div>
<div> </div>
<div>My program calling sequence as below.</div>
<div>1. load libvlc.dll</div>
<div>2. vlc_exception_init (&ex);</div>
<div>3. inst = vlc_new (sizeof(vlc_args) / sizeof(vlc_args[0]), vlc_args, &ex);</div>
<div>4. m = vlc_media_new (inst, "M:\\youkuvideo15024248.m3u", &ex);</div>
<div>5. mp = vlc_media_player_new_from_media (m, &ex);</div>
<div>6. vlc_media_player_set_drawable (mp, drawable, &ex);</div>
<div>7. vlc_media_player_play (mp, &ex);</div>
<div> </div>
<div>The content of m3u file as below.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>I've checked the two files were playable by my simple player.</div>
<div>Why there nothing on the output window during play m3u file?</div>
<div> </div>
<div>Tony Huang</div>