Hi,<br>i created a port of VLC for the MacPorts-Project and have question about compiling VLC on OSX. Your documentation states here: <a href="http://wiki.videolan.org/OSXCompile">http://wiki.videolan.org/OSXCompile</a> that LLVM is needed to compile VLC on OSX. Since LLVM is quite a big compilation i checked if it is really necessary and tried to compile VLC with gcc-4.0.<br>
Everything compiled fine and simple usage test was ok too. So now i'm wondering if that wiki page i mentioned above is just outdated or am i missing something?<br><br>A second point i'd like to mention is, that i had to patch your Makefile. First of all "make" triggers an automatic "make install" on OSX since the target VLC.app is included in the target all.<br>
Second the Makefile assumes an existing .git directory which of course is not present in the tarball and thus errors out.<br>You can get the patch for the Makefile here: <a href="http://trac.macports.org/attachment/ticket/15389/VLC-Makefile.in.diff">http://trac.macports.org/attachment/ticket/15389/VLC-Makefile.in.diff</a><br>
<br>Thanks<br>/max<br><br>P.S: In case you use MacPorts and want to test the port, the complete ticket is here: <a href="http://trac.macports.org/ticket/15389">http://trac.macports.org/ticket/15389</a>