Adding of Encoded by "Tracker name" (based on file format)<br>Even though EncodedBy is no longer shown in the GUI - might be useful.<br>libmodplug currently does not have these strings in it, and ModType only returns a bit mask.<br>
<br>---<br> modules/demux/mod.c | 40 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-<br> 1 files changed, 39 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)<br><br>diff --git a/modules/demux/mod.c b/modules/demux/mod.c<br>index b240444..cf66902 100644<br>
--- a/modules/demux/mod.c<br>+++ b/modules/demux/mod.c<br>@@ -132,6 +132,37 @@ static const char *ppsz_mod_ext[] =<br> "psm", "abc", NULL<br> };<br> <br>+static const char *ppsz_mod_desc[] =<br>+{<br>
+ "ProTracker",<br>+ "Scream Tracker 3",<br>+ "Fast Tracker 2",<br>+ "OctaMed",<br>+ "MTM",<br>+ "Impulse Tracker",<br>+ "669 Composer / UNIS 669",<br>
+ "ULT",<br>+ "Scream Tracker",<br>+ "Farandole",<br>+ "WAV",<br>+ "DSMI Advanced Module Format",<br>+ "AMS Module",<br>+ "DSIK Internal Format",<br>
+ "DigiTracker",<br>+ "Oktalyzer",<br>+ "MIDI",<br>+ "Delusion Digital Music Fileformat (X-Tracker)",<br>+ "PolyTracker",<br>+ "DigiBooster Pro",<br>
+ "MT2",<br>+ "ASYLUM Music Format V1.0",<br>+ "PSM",<br>+ "J2B",<br>+ "ABC draft 2.0",<br>+ "Gravis Ultrasound Patch",<br>+ "Unknown",<br>
+ NULL<br>+};<br> <br> /* We load the complete file in memory, put a higher bound<br> * of 500 Mo (which is really big anyway) */<br>@@ -371,7 +402,7 @@ static int Control( demux_t *p_demux, int i_query, va_list args )<br>
i_num_instruments = ModPlug_NumInstruments( p_sys->f );<br> unsigned i_num_patterns = ModPlug_NumPatterns( p_sys->f ),<br> i_num_channels = ModPlug_NumChannels( p_sys->f );<br>-// unsigned modType = ModPlug_GetModuleType( p_sys->f );<br>
+ unsigned i_mod_type = ModPlug_GetModuleType( p_sys->f );<br> char psz_temp[2048]; /* 32 * 240 max, but only need start */<br> char *psz_module_info, *psz_instrument_info;<br> unsigned i_temp_index = 0;<br>
@@ -384,6 +415,13 @@ static int Control( demux_t *p_demux, int i_query, va_list args )<br> if (psz_name && *psz_name )<br> vlc_meta_SetDescription( p_meta, psz_name );<br> <br>+ /* Encoded By / Mod Format */<br>
+ for( int i = 0, j = i_mod_type; ppsz_mod_desc[i] != NULL && j; i++, j>>=1 )<br>+ {<br>+ if ( j == 1 )<br>+ vlc_meta_SetEncodedBy( p_meta, ppsz_mod_desc[i] );<br>+ }<br>
+<br> /* Instruments only in newer MODs - so don't show if 0 */<br> if ( asprintf( &psz_instrument_info, ", %i Instruments", i_num_instruments ) )<br> {<br>-- <br><br><br>