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<div>i want to make the vlc compiled and runned on arm linux , but i am not sure the posibility about this. Has anybody succeeded in doing this. Please give me some hints and information. Thanks very much!</div>
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<div>Who knows the perfromances of rtsp & h264 & mpeg4 on vlc arm linux? </div>
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<div></div><br>-- <br>--~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~<br>Best Regards<br>JesseZhao(ีินโ) <br><br>Blog : <a href="Http://www.jessezhao.com">Http://www.jessezhao.com</a><br>E-Mail : <a href="mailto:jessz@live.com">jessz@live.com</a><br>
IM(Live Messager) : <a href="mailto:jessz@live.com">jessz@live.com</a><br><br>