Greetings all!<br><br>I'm Rohit Yadav, 2rd year computer science and engineering student from Institute of Technology, India. I like to play flute and develop open source applications.<br><br>I'm new to VLC and inexperienced so you may find bugs and coding style errors in the patch, though I tried to review it as much as possible. <br>
<br>I just finished coding this widget for VLC, I call<b> VLC MiniMode</b> widget which is an alternative media notification and a simple playback controller based on SVGs and CSS. <br>
A prototype of the widget was made as a GSoC qualification task (more on my blog). Though, I was <b>not</b> selected for GSoC for VLC, I thought it was a good idea to complete the widget.<br><br>The widget is completed now by yours truly (thank you :)<br>
Code for drag and drop was copied, rest is my original work incl. SVGs and CSS.<br>Special thanks to <b>J-B</b> for his suggestions and reviews.<br><br>(I have also started this wiki thread to create a roadmap for development of such widget for VLC: <a href="" target="_blank"></a> )<br>
<br><b>Please review the code and give feedback.</b> I'm also sending few screenshots.<br>(I don't know how people give versions so I'm going to give it v0.1 :)<br><br>Release notes MiniMode v0.1<br>======================<br>
+ Displays Meta Data: Title, Artist, Album<br><div>
+ AlbumArt now works #yay<br>+ Playback Controls (Play, Pause, Next, Previous) totally working.<br>
+ UI elements: play/pause, slider synchronised with IM<br>+ Drag and Drop files to play<br>+ Playback Slider Added<br>
+ Volume Control Added<br>+ Default SVG based theme "Dark Pepper"<br>+ Widget Lock/Unlock Feature [To lock the visibility of widget]<br>+ Widget, starts on Top-Right, can be dragged across the desktop like Fullscreen Controller<br>
+ A small hidden hacks [ Find it out, it's easy ;-) ]<br></div>- The original prototype, had shuffle and repeat options, were removed to make a sober UI<br>- The idea of including a Video display was dropped because of expected VLC crashes and CPU load.<br>
- Widget is made using SVGs, hence can be made resize-able but it's not required.<br><br>Known Issues<br>==========<br>- Tested on Ubuntu 9.04, testing required for windows<br>- Sometimes album art updates but Meta Data fails to be loaded and updates when played again.<br>
- In case, no album art if found a default monochrome VLC logo is shown.<br>- When widget is dragged too fast, the motion is not smooth.<br><br>Future Plans<br>=========<br>+ After reviews, the widget prefs. to show/add when VLC starts is to be added in the preferences UI.<br>
+ More SVG based themes can be designed, like Firefox Personas, by adding a preferences option for MiniMode theme using CSS etc.<br><br>Thanks a lot for going through this long email :)<br><br>Regards,<br>Rohit Yadav<br>
"The geek says signing in and signing out!"<br>
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