.hmmessage P
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<br>Hello,<br><br>VLC 1.1.0 git master has been generating a segmentation fault on exit, and when the "Save" button is pressed in the Preference tab on Windows 2000 This first arose around 10 days ago during a burst of commits.<br><br>Problem is located in the MainInterface constructor in '/modules/gui/qt4/main_interface.cpp' 'MainInterface::MainInterface'. A test is made to determine which Windows OS is running:<br>...<br> if( GetVersionEx(&winVer) && winVer.dwMajorVersion > 5 && winVer.dwMajorVersion > 0 ){<br>...<br>If Vista or later the pointers himl and p_taskbl will then be assigned a value. If Win2k or WinXp neither of those two variables will be assigned a value resulting in a Seg. fault in ~MainInterface() or changeThumbbarButtons() due to 'if (p_taskbl) p_taskbl->vt-> ...' <br><br>My fix is to set himl and p_taskbl to NULL within an else on the OS test, which avoids the above from occurring.<br><br><br><br /><hr />Windows Live Messenger: Celebrate 10 amazing years with free winks and emoticons. <a href='http://clk.atdmt.com/UKM/go/157562755/direct/01/' target='_new'>Get Them Now</a></body>