We are a group of two students working in computers sciences in Paris.<br>
As some of you may already know, during our first year's internships<br>
we choosed to work on VLC and enhance the Mozilla plugin's GUI.<br>
We would like to add a control GUI to the plugin (play, pause, seek,<br>
...) and we are searching what is the best way to achieve it.<br>
This is an overview of the advantages and disadvantages of each solutions:<br>
- Qt, is very simple to use, extremely portable but the weight of the<br>
dependencies may be high, QtGui + QtCore exceed 10mb.<br>
- GTK+ is slighter than Qt but it is not built with portability in<br>
mind (especially on Windows).<br>
- The GUI can also be made in XUL, the downside in that it won't work<br>
on other browsers that support the NSPlugin API (opera, webkit, ...).<br>
- The fourth solution would be to integrate the GUI into the VLC core<br>
and inject the user interface directly into the VLC vout.<br>
- The last solution would be to use native code. This implies that the<br>
GUI must be developped one time for each platform and is a pain to<br>
What is your opinion on this?