Hello everyone,<br>I am Sachindra Dilhara, an undergraduate at the Faculty of Engineering in University of Moratuwa, SriLanka. I am really passionate to work in a GSOC project. After going through the project list I was curious about the VLC projects. I went through the whole list of projects and Found some interesting projects that I would suit. <br>
<br>I found the project "VLC Personnal Cloud Project 2.0" which comes under the "Key VLC projects". Currently I am doing some work related to web, so that I might be able to make some serious contribution to that project in GSOC. I have a quite a thorough know in HTML, HTML5, JavaScript and other web related technologies. <br>
<br>And I also like some of the other projects that are categorized under the "Key VLC projects". They are <br>-Shader support for DirectX/OpenGL<br>-Enhanced DVD Audio support<br>-Blu-ray enhancements<br>-Set of lua extensions<br>
<br>Most of them require the C and Java knowledge which I am quite capable with.<br><br>Further I like to work with the projects in VLMC. The "YouTube integration" project in that sound like a great one and willing to work in a project like that. But I would like to some more information on that to get some broader view of the project.<br>
<br>"VLC Task bar/Toolbar Mode" project listed under Supplementary ideas is also interested me. <br><br>I am keen to work on a VLC project as it is one of the widely distributed and highly used application in the community, and love to get the satisfaction of developing something valuable for a product which the whole world is using. I expect some guidance which required to get some knowledge on the above projects and the technologies which I should be thorough with. <br>
Thank you.<br><br><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Sachindra Dilhara<br>Department of CSE<br>Faculty of Engineering<br>UOM<br>