Dear vlc team:<br> I have three problems,<br>First, What is develope environment (OS, compile,IDE, debugger, three-party library ...etc) of VLC team?<br> Now, my develope env is Ubuntu 10.04 in VMware, GCC 4.4.3, eclipse 3.5.2., GDB 7.1.<br>
Second, when I debugging function MultiFramedRTPSource::doGetNextFrame1 in /live/livemedia/MultiFramedRTPSource of live555 source, I can't add berakpoing after vlc running.<br>
I only add breakpoint in vlc is stop. If I add breakpoint at doGetNextFrame1 when vlc running, <br> then VLC will terminated.<br>Third, I compile VLC successful when all three-party library get use "apt-get".<br>
but I compile VLC when use ffmpeg 0.5.2 source, it is success in compile, but VLC can't play rtsp vedio in running.<br> error message in below<br><br><u><font size="1">main debug: processing request item rtsp://<a href=""></a> node Playlist skip 0<br>
main debug: resyncing on rtsp://<a href=""></a><br>main debug: rtsp://<a href=""></a> is at 0<br>
main debug: starting new item<br>main debug: creating new input thread<br>main debug: Creating an input for 'rtsp://<a href=""></a>'<br>main debug: thread (input) created at priority 10 (input/input.c:230)<br>
main debug: thread started<br>qt4 debug: IM: Setting an input<br>main debug: using timeshift granularity of 50 MBytes<br>main debug: using timeshift path '/tmp'<br>main debug: `rtsp://<a href=""></a>' gives access `rtsp' demux `' path `<a href=""></a>'<br>
main debug: creating demux: access='rtsp' demux='' path='<a href=""></a>'<br>main debug: looking for access_demux module: 1 candidate<br>
qt4 debug: Updating the geometry<br>qt4 debug: size: 111 - 358<br>qt4 debug: sizeHint: 111 - 349<br>qt4 debug: Updating the geometry<br>qt4 debug: size: 111 - 358<br>qt4 debug: sizeHint: 111 - 349<br>live555 debug: DESCRIBE failed with 0: select/connect() failed: Operation now in progress<br>
live555 debug: connection timeout<br>live555 error: Failed to connect with rtsp://<a href=""></a><br>main warning: no access_demux module matching "rtsp" could be loaded<br>
main debug: TIMER module_need() : 10754.880 ms - Total 10754.880 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 10754.880 ms)<br>main debug: creating access 'rtsp' path='<a href=""></a>'<br>
main debug: looking for access module: 0 candidates<br>main error: no access module matched "rtsp"<br>main debug: TIMER module_need() : 0.278 ms - Total 0.278 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 0.278 ms)<br>main error: open of `rtsp://<a href=""></a>' failed: no access module matched "rtsp"<br>
main debug: thread ended<br>main debug: dead input<br>main debug: changing item without a request (current 0/1)<br>main debug: nothing to play<br>qt4 debug: IM: Deleting the input<br>qt4 debug: Updating the geometry<br>qt4 debug: size: 111 - 358<br>
qt4 debug: sizeHint: 111 - 349<br>qt4 debug: Updating the geometry<br>qt4 debug: size: 111 - 358<br>qt4 debug: sizeHint: 111 - 349<br>main debug: Destroying the input for 'rtsp://<a href=""></a>'<br>
main debug: TIMER input launching for 'rtsp://<a href=""></a>' : 10780.746 ms - Total 10780.746 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 10780.746 ms)</font></u><br><br><br>