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<div>I am starting to use the new LibVLC 1.1.2 API, which I find great. I will be using the new filter API that was added, a great plus for me. But I am a little confused about the new LibVLC error handling API and what error handling strategy to take in my application. The question this new API poses is that there are functions that return a 0 or -1 status others that don't. It seems simple enough for the function that do return a status to check it and retrieve the error message using libvlc_errmsg() if there was an error. But for those that don't, does it mean no error can arise and a call to libvlc_errmsg() would return NULL always? Should I instead check libvlc_errmsg() for NULL after every libvlc call and if it is not NULL assume there was an error, print it and call libvlc_clearerr() before the next libvlc call?</div>
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<div>Thanks, </div>
<div><br clear="all">Jacques Boileau<br><br></div>