Hi all,<br><br>After some research and advices, i've made a new version of my projectm API, without using vlc_object_find_name or p_owner.<br>
<br>I added 3 variables and a callback inside aout (created in InputNew
when projectm is created, destroyed in InputDelete, so that they should
have the same lifecycle as projectm module).<br>I gave the p_filter to the callback at its creation.<br>
So libvlc set/get variables to the aout, then the aout callback set/get
variables to the filter, and the filter react and do his job.<br>If projectm is not used, variables doesn't exists in the aout, so nothing happens.<br>
<br>I also added 3 settings to projectm module to set meshx, meshy and texturesize, and fixed a crash if there is no available presets.<br><br>