Hi all,<br><br>I've been trying to debug the web plug-in to see if I could tell why fullscreen isn't working but I haven't been able to get debugging symbols loaded properly.<br><br><br>Steps I've taken are as follows:<br>
<br>1. from the npapi-vlc folder by doing<br><ul><li>./configure</li><li>make</li><li>sudo make install</li></ul>2. from the src folder (subfolder of npapi-vlc)<br><ul><li>make</li><li>sudo make install</li></ul>3. I then tried to debug (with gdb) using<br>
<ul><li>firefox -g -d gdb</li></ul>4. I set a breakpoint of the VlcPlugin::toggle_fullscreen() function<br><ul><li>I'm not able to set the break with "b VlcPlugin::toggle_fullscreen()" (although it does autocomplete!)</li>
<li>I have to use the mangled name to set a breakpoint. "b _ZN9VlcPlugin17toggle_fullscreenEv"</li></ul>5. I press the fullscreen button on the webpage (javascript obviously). This causes gdb to break, however, no line numbers can be found and my printf statements aren't showing up (I put them in the function for toggle fullscreen (vlcplugin.cpp)<br>
<br><br><br>What do I need to do to get this working?<br><br>Thanks all,<br>-John<br>