Hello,<br><br>First, let me apologize since this is off-topic to the development of vlc, however I'd appreciate if someone here could point me in the right direction.<br><br>I need to calculate the length of a MythTV recorded nuv file. I intend to use python and need to determine if a file is indeed as long as it should be.<br>
<br>Since I know the video bitrate at which MythTV is recording i.e. 2200kbps have tried to use that and the file size to estimate but the result is still a few seconds off - 10-20 seconds off for a 5 minute file and I suspect it may increase exponentially for larger files (haven't tested).<br>
<br>Since vlc is able to determine the accurate file length right since the file is opened, I would appreciate if someone could point out the logic vlc uses to determine the length of a video.<br><br>Thanks so much, any help is appreciated.<br>
<br>Bye for now<br>Jeetu<br><a href="http://ebrain.in">ebrain.in</a> | Beehive Computing <br>Discover and use software from any device around you - an open source (GPL) initiative.<br>