Hy,<br><br>I am interested in the modification of a module xcb_screen. I
would like to make a script that starts vlc directly in the screen
capture mode(with no gui), records for a non limited period(1 month for
example) but making small movies that lasts 10 minutes each. <br>I
tried to understand how the screen recording is done in vlc, but the
source code is so huge, that I didn't manage to understand yet how it
works and which is the link between the framebuffer, hard disk, cpu, X
server etc. <br>Could you tell me if this is difficult to realise, how
should I work in order to understand the whole capture process? does
anyone has any ideas how to do this? <br>Can you provide me some conception documents on this module, or some papers that could help me do this code evolution.<br>Thanks in advance for all your help.<br>Regards,<br>Nata