<div dir="ltr">On the wiki there is an example for SDL and QT with libvlc<br>but I have seen people ask over and over again for a pure OpenGL example.<br><br>So during my long build times I created this (attachment)<br><br>This example <br><br>1. uses GLFW3 to setup the window<br>2. uses GLEW on relivant platforms to setup opengl<br>3. implements the vlc renderer in pure opengl code.<br><br>You can have a different size for both the texture and the window.<br>The code takes care of the stretch for you :)<br><br>Has been tested on mingw-w64.<br>Should be very easy to adapt for other platforms<br><br>I am releasing it under MIT because<br>WTFPL doesn't exist here in Europe legally.<br><br>If someone wants it under a different license just ping me.<br><br>Please add to the example wiki.<br><br>Kind Regards<br>Martell<br><br></div>