CSS information.

Russell McOrmond russell at flora.ca
Tue Oct 23 03:21:27 CEST 2001

On Sat, 13 Oct 2001, Christophe Massiot wrote:

> À (At) 21:12 -0400 12/10/01, Russell McOrmond écrivait (wrote) :
> >   Is there an easy way to detect if the software is decoding CSS or not,
> >and any relevant CSS information (region code/etc)?
> The verbose mode (vlc -vvvvv) should probably give you that kind of 
> information (and much more).

  I have tried this, but it doesn't seem to show any CSS related
information.  I have two movies, "AntiTrust" which is CSS encoded for
region 1, and "The Mummy returns" which is reportedly not CSS encoded. I
see no difference when watching these two videos.

> >   I believe VLC is decoding, but part of what I want to know is which CD's
> >are encoded, which are not.  Theoretically it is illegal under the DMCA
> >(and proposed changes to Canadian copyright law) to run unlicenced CSS
> >decoding - part of my interest in VLC on my Linux computer is to add more
> >information to a complaint before Canada's Industry Canada against the
> >DVD-CCA cartel.
> You also have a list of CSS-free titles on VideoLAN's web site.

  I purchased "the Mummy returns" based on that list.  I just want to get
confirmation on the encoding of these two DVD's as I can't tell from
information on the cases.  Both cases seem to indication CSS region 1
encoding assuming that the picture of the world with a '1' in the middle
signifies regional encoding.

> -- 
> Christophe Massiot.
 Russell McOrmond, Internet Consultant: <http://www.flora.ca/>
 See http://weblog.flora.org/ for announcements, activities, and opinions
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