[vlc] Re: Seperate installer for mozilla vlc plugin

Antoine Cellerier dionoea at videolan.org
Tue Jan 10 18:00:47 CET 2006

On Tue, Jan 10, 2006, Romain Beauxis wrote:
> To provides it for listeners that allready have vlc installed but 
> without the plugin,

The mozilla plugin uses the VLC plugins. You can't really ship it in a
separate installer. I guess that the user could just get the normal VLC
installer and run it once more.

You could also make an installer that checks for a previously installed
VLC and installs the mozilla plugin if VLC was found, or just displays a
message asking the user to download the full VLC installer if VLC
wasn't found. That wouldn't be too hard, but i don't really see why
you'd go through the hassle of doing that.


Antoine Cellerier

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