[vlc] Programming question about VLC video rendering

Rémi Denis-Courmont rem at videolan.org
Mon Jan 5 12:58:43 CET 2009

Le dimanche 4 janvier 2009, Ricardo Garcia a écrit :
> Hello. My name's Rick Garcia and I'm working on a cross-platform
> Video Editor called Saya (http://sayavideoeditor.sourceforge.net/ ).
> The reason I'm writing to you is that I'm using wxWidgets as the UI,
> and VLC also uses wxWidgets, so perhaps you could help me with this.

WxWidgets was such utter crap that we gave it up and switched to Qt4.
To add pain to injury, WxWidgets developper considered our bug reports 
were insults.

I recommend you stay away from that rubish and use Qt, Gtk, or whatever 

Best regards,

Rémi Denis-Courmont

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