<html><div style='background-color:'><DIV class=RTE>
<P>I am interested in the video conference, too. But you say VideoLan is not the best fit application for this. Can you suggest me a application for the video conference?</P>
<P>Thank you:)</P>
<P> TianTao<BR><BR></P></DIV>
<DIV></DIV>>From: Benjamin PRACHT <bigben@via.ecp.fr>
<DIV></DIV>>Reply-To: vlc@videolan.org
<DIV></DIV>>To: vlc@videolan.org
<DIV></DIV>>Subject: [vlc] Re: Video conference
<DIV></DIV>>Date: Fri, 9 Apr 2004 12:48:07 +0200
<DIV></DIV>>On Wed, Apr 07, 2004, Dedi Eko wrote :
<DIV></DIV>> > Dear all VideoLAN-ist, I have an idea to utillize VideoLAN ask a software to do a video conference:
<DIV></DIV>> > 1. Is it possible to do this task with videolan?
<DIV></DIV>>That is possible, but I wouldn't consider VideoLAN as the best fit application for this right now (although some people are working on that)
<DIV></DIV>> > 2. Can 1 computer do 2 jobs in an instance? Serving directinput video on port AAAA and accepting stream on port BBBB?
<DIV></DIV>>That's possible indeed.
<DIV></DIV>> > 3. If I decided to send a stream to someone on the internet based on their IP, will I get block by router or something like that? I know multicast is usually blocked by router, but do peer 2 peer with bothway streaming get block too like multicast?
<DIV></DIV>>If you're unicasting, the only thing that might block you would be a
<DIV></DIV>>firewall. Event that could be avoided, using HTTP as a transport instead
<DIV></DIV>>of UDP.
<DIV></DIV>> > 4.To shrink down packet size without loosing too much quality, I haveto do transcoding, which codec do you think give the optimal result?
<DIV></DIV>>MPEG 4 should give good results, provided you computer is fast enough to
<DIV></DIV>>encode the stream.
<DIV></DIV>> > 5.Is it possible to do an encryption? Because I think Internet is an
<DIV></DIV>> > open line, very dangerous to get in without any protection. Is there
<DIV></DIV>> > any solution than encryption to strenghten security factor?
<DIV></DIV>> >
<DIV></DIV>>Although there are some cyphering / decyphering functionalities in VLC,
<DIV></DIV>>this is not a "out of the box" feature, and I connot see an easy way to
<DIV></DIV>>implement it here (I might be wrong on this).
<DIV></DIV>>Although, I could be required to play a bit with different access /
<DIV></DIV>>access out buffers (in the preference window), to reduce caching and
<DIV></DIV>>$(echo "BigBen")
<DIV></DIV>>Oui je quote, et alors ?
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