Hello eveyone,<br><br><br>Can someone exaplain me why is the value of MASTER_SYNC_MAX_DRIFT (transcode.c) 100000?<br><br><br><br>dvgrab - | vlc - -vvv -I dummy :demux=rawdv --sout '#transcode{vcodec=mp4v,vb=4096,acodec=mp3,ab=128,fps=25,audio-sync}:std{access=file,mux=ps,dst=
out.mp4}'<br><br><br>The problem is that when capturing from a DV Camera. At the scene changes vlc show this message "drift is too high, resetting master sync" . The mpeg4 file looks fine (both video and audio) but after i convert it to DV using ffmpeg at the moments when the scene is changed it adds audio delay resulting in a/v desynchronisation.
<br><br><br>How can i get rid of this delay? Does increasing the value of MASTER_SYNC_MAX_DRIFT help? (i'm using vlc 0.8.5, fedora core 5)<br><br>