<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;">Hello,<br><br>We are using the following Web page to play the IPTV on the Web with the embedded VLC player:<br><br><html><br><head><title>Embedded VLC Player</title></head><br><body><br><OBJECT classid="clsid:E23FE9C6-778E-49D4-B537-38FCDE4887D8" <br>codebase="c:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\axvlc.dll"<br>width="1200" height="900" id="vlc" events="True"> <br><param name="Src" value="udp://@" /> <br><param name="ShowDisplay" value="True" /> <br><param name="AutoPlay" value="True" /> <br></OBJECT> <br></body><br></html><br><br>This page works fine, but when the video starts to play, it displays the tilte "udp://@" for 5 sec at the bottom of the page. Please advise how to disable this title or at least to change it to something like "CNN." We tried
the following options, which did not work:<br><br>video-title="CNN"<br><br>video-title-timeout=0000<br><br>video-title-show=0<br><br>Please advise,<br>Dmitry<br></td></tr></table><br>