Greetings,<br><br>Just visited your site and saw that v1.0.5 was available for Ubuntu Linux. I have just installed Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty) and made sure my repositories were enabled for multiverse. But all I find in Synaptic PM are <i>older versions</i> of VLC and related packages. (0.9.9a). Enabled the 'partner' and 'backport' repositories and updated (apt-get), but still cannot see the newer version 1.0.5.<br>
<br>Also cannot seem to be able to find the <b>libdvdcss2</b> library. Without this piece, I can't see how I'll be able to view dvd movies on my lan.<br><br>Is/are there some other step(s) that I am missing? Is there another "special" repository that I need to include/enable? Any assistance that your team could provide would be greatly appreciated. I've been wanting to try VLC for some time, and finally got some spare time and a few spare systems! I just need to get the right versions and libraries.<br>
<br>Thank you much!<br>Msebe-<br>