I have started, and i will continue to point out the glaring failure of VLC to release a modern version for earlier versions of OSX on all stories that discuss VLC.<br><br>I feel that the OSX programmer of VLC is trying to force people to buy new versions of OSX or upgrade their hardware, helping Apples profit margin.<br>
<br>For moral reasons I will ever purchase another Apple product. So my families Macs are never going to be upgraded. We also use a lot of legacy software... Programs like Corel Draw for OSX and Flash 4 that do not run on newer versions of OSX. You may as well change your rude message to Apple owners to "VLC will NEVER work on OS9, OSX Panther, OSX Jaguar or OSX Tiger" because you have such outdated code for earlier versions of VLC that VLC is USELESS on these platforms!<br>
<br>VLC 0.9 for OSX is nothing more than a glorified MP3 player... and buggy at that.<br>