I am a video editor using SONY EX equipment that produces high definition MXF files. I am highly reliant on VLC to play/preview these video clips. Before the upgrade (below) VLC worked very well to do this. I use a Windows 7 64 bit OS.<br>
<br> - I recently was prompted to upgrade to VLC 1.1.5 from 1.1.4.<br>
<br> - I downloaded the software and installed.<br><br> -It plays audio and video for AVI files and MOV files perfectly, but will not play audio for MXF files. The file opens, AUDIO BEGINS TO PLAY for ~ 1 sec BUT STOPS SUDDENLY, while video continues to play perfectly.<br>
<br>I must have made an error in the installation or something. How do I remove all trace of previous installations and start over? Is that the correct way to proceed? I am not a computer specialist but can follow instructions.<br>
<br> I read the forums and FAQ's first and found no similar problems and hence am asking for your help. Thanks very much!<br><br><br>Bob<br><br>Robert G. Summers, Ph.D., Owner<br>Shoestring Educational Productions<br>
5873 Menorca Drive<br>San Diego, CA 92124-1107<br>858-405-6038<br>SKYPE: tubularia<br>see our videos at: <a href="http://www.vimeo.com/user2921819/videos">http://www.vimeo.com/user2921819/videos</a><br>